Donations are one of the best ways to help and support the Voyageurs Wolf Project. We always have costs that we are trying to cover to continue our research, outreach, and education efforts. Any donation helps us to that end and all donations go directly to funding the project.
Donating to the project is easy and can be done quickly here!​​

Trail cameras are an invaluable tool for our research and outreach efforts because they allow us to see and observe the wolves in our area, which isn't possible otherwise. Donations to the project help us purchase things such as trail cameras and trail camera supplies.

This snapshot from one of our trail cameras captures two wolves from the Cranberry Bay pack, one of the most remote wolf packs we study. Donations to our project make observations like this possible, enabling us to gather invaluable data from trail cameras to estimate pack sizes, wolf pup mortality, wildlife abundance, and more.